Logo spotlight for Freedom’s Found Coffee, a patriotic Christian coffee company.

Logotype, banner design, and illustration for Alpine: a survival horror board game.

Label illustration and design for Faewild Wines: non-grape alternative wines of dandelion, lavender, and cherry.

Logo and Design notes for Yelden Consulting Limited.

Label series done for medieval-estate-based winery. Mock-up base provided by author rawpixel.com.

Promotional poster for Superhero Cowgirl Princess.

Logo, recipe card, and label designs for fennel-based pesto product concept.

Logo, Branding, and initial social media assets for T-Pillow

Vector graphic designed in Illustrator for the Great American Stuffed Shirts brand.

Vectors of logo, website assets, and slides graphics for Synesthesia project. Graphics designed in Illustrator.

Book Updates Cover Story for Superhero Cowgirl Princess Instagram page.

Concepts for winter survival board game header. Final design completed in vector.

Personal project showcasing some attractions of local area, “‘203”, emphasizing shape-building and edge control.